Monday, July 28, 2008

Just breezing by to say...

that I'm celebrating my blog's first anniversary this month!

Here's to more (and, hopefully, better) entries and more time to write them!


And, yes, more bloggers to stalk!



Luis K. said...

Happy blog anniversary (blogversary?), Shan! :)


"Blogversary" sounds cool!

Thanks, Sir.

Here's to more stalking--err, blogging!


♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

WOW SHAN! Good to know you're back to blogging, one of the few people I personally know who really writes well..

thanks for the bloghop, expect me to be your frequent visitor hee =)

come visit my food blog and beauty blog too mwah!

(never mind the others (my other 3 blogs haha) as they are full of
paid entries LOL!)

take care always and God Bless



Eh, pero I'm more used to calling you "Tokne."

So glad you dropped by. ;p
Actually, you don't have to tell me to drop by your food and beauty blogs because I've already been doing so, dati pa. Yum-yum your entries in your food blog nga e.

I miss your cooking!

Miguel said...

I saw a promo on Channel 7 the other day about a teen-oriented show, the title of which uses the dreaded "B" word. I hope the foreseeable ubiquity of this word won't stop you from sharing your thoughts and releasing your innermost whatevers. take care shan! Here's to more years of b-b-b-blogging!


Hey, Miguel! Haven't heard from you in ages, are you hibernating again? Thanks so much for dropping by. I wish you'd update your blog soon, miss reading your sarcastic writing. Ehehehe.