Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hangover: extended

I was sitting in front of my office desk this morning, staring at the PC and not trying very hard to lull myself out of the lazy, hazy stupor I was in, now and then saying a weak "hi" to co-workers passing by, my right index finger playing absently with the miniature chandelier on my right ear. Then, a thought crossed my mind and I blinked and froze. I took off both my earrings, looked at them and realized I was wearing mismatched ones.

Oh, the shock, the awe. Yes, the awe.

I mean, how could I?

I put the poor, unrelated objects on the desk and realized it was time to wake up.


anne..:) said...

i didnt notice it..but yah u were so spaced out last sunday..ahehe..proof that u did have a good time!:)


Hahahaha, you noticed, Anne.
Yah, I think I WAS spaced out. =D