Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Day in The Lives of the Tropang Puyat

for C-- and L--

I have come to the conclusion (after much deliberation with myself, days after that Monday afternoon at Pergola) that what brought on that mad tea party was the charcoal in the inihaw na liempo and inihaw na bangus that we had for lunch. It must've gone to our heads, hence that crazy mix of laughter and tears and more laughter and extended statements on the silliness of love and the madness that is life, our taking turns at playing guidance counselor to each other, but which role I must have played to the hilt, just because, and then more, more laughter, the tummy ache that came from too much laughing, the dead airs that might as well have been dots leading to the next bout of laughter.

At the end of the day, my dears, we have each other, is what I realized. 

Ang sarap tumawa, lalo na pag may kasama ka sa pagtawa. Cheers, mga amiga. You are living reminders that life is, indeed, good. =)

Inihaw ulit, next time.

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