Friday, March 30, 2012

From thin air

March 17, 2012
2:01 a.m. 
Training room
Desultory thoughts

Your penmanship has changed 6 times on this page. You are a fickle-minded person, unreliable in relationships, you cannot be trusted. Your decisions change 47 times in a minute.

The person sitting at the corner of the room has been nodding off to sleep in the past hour.
The person speaking (who is very animated) has failed to rouse him from his journey to dreamland.
The person at the other corner of the room is also trying his best to keep his eyes open.
You smile. At 2:00 in the morning, can one expect less?

Population in the room: female-dominated.
There is an overpowering mix of scents. Woody, floral, fruity
You wonder about your perfume.

The table in the middle. Tumblers, coffee mugs, plastic bottles. Water, coffee, fruit juice.
Half-empty, half-full, empty, full.

The dominant colors are pink and black. Only one female is wearing a dress. The rest are in jeans, pants, trousers. You think of Celie from The Color Purple.

You remember that you have a meeting to attend in the next room. And the session here is only half-way done

Unearthed from your locker from the random security check of two hours ago: two empty bottles of perfume, an old scarf, your favorite mug (forgotten), your running shoes, three key chains (a bear, an orange, a red boot), two stress balls (one covered with writing).

Your coffee has grown cold.

Towards the end of the lecture, you suddenly remember your grandma.
You become sad.

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