Saturday, February 6, 2016


I am roused by the sound of raindrops pattering against glass. Beside me, you are asleep, and I watch the steady rise and fall of your chest, your lashes black against the copper of your skin, your figure etched against the white sheets. I snuggle close to feel your warmth, willing sleep to come back.

Outside, it is still dark. The sound of your breathing is drowned by the rain and I lean closer to listen. Your breathing calms me. It assures me of your nearness, it quiets my mind. It reminds me that you are here, and I do need reminding sometimes, still.

I burrow my face into your neck. I drink in your scent and think of soap and water, young leaves, morning dew. You stir and I try to keep very still, hoping you'd stay asleep. We turned in quite late last night--despite you being exhausted, you stayed up with me as I worked on the manuscript I had been stuck on for weeks now. You talked about nebulae and constellations, the mysteries of the heart. I ended up typing them down into my story. Somehow, they tied neatly with the narrative. I sat, musing, wondering as always if you were the muse sent to me by the Greeks.

"But of course I am, Love," you, after I voiced out my thoughts, "what else could I be? Don't I look like a muse to you?" You grinned like a schoolboy and I tossed a crumpled post-it smack into your neck, laughing at the image of you as Calliope or Erato. "You look more like sun-kissed Apollo, Superman." I love how you never fail to make me laugh.

"So which is it? Apollo or Superman?" You put your feet up on the ottoman. "Ah, well. I guess I can morph into whoever it is you want me to be. Just because I can, you know."

Yes, you're magical, that way. But I keep it to myself.

Meanwhile, you wrap your arms around me, your eyes still shut as you mumble something about supernova in your sleep. I close my eyes and drift off into slumber, the sound of your breathing blending with the rain's.


Apollo said...

Good morning Love! Great way to start the weekend. I miss you so much. Looking forward to what the afternoon and night has to offer. I Love you

FEDS said...

The morning has arrived. The night was quite humid so we left our window open to keep us cool. The sun was now only just rising and beams of light began to pierce through the sheer white curtains that were now fluttering ever so slightly on the cool morning breeze that was filtering through the window.

You had just awakened but I pretended to sleep because I wanted to gaze upon your morning beauty as you rose and sat on the edge of the bed. I saw you raise your arms high and move them slowly down as you breathed in your first big breath of this new day. The skin across your back pulling tight as you stretched so hard to wake your body from sleep.

You stood and wandered across to the window. Yet you did not look back at me. At first, I wanted you to turn then I hoped you would not as I was captivated at the way you moved your slender body so elegantly towards the window. You stopped right near the window. You stared for a while as the breeze gently threw the curtain against your body. I saw you tilt your head backwards and close your eyes as the curtain gently caressed your body.

You did the same thing last night as we layed together before we fell asleep. A moment later you turned around as if knowing I was awake and watching you. You smiled at me. That smile was all I needed to see to know that being with you is all I ever wanted.

You walked back over to the bed and you kissed me. Neither of us saying a word. We did not have to. We were in the right place. You covered yourself with your robe and difted off into the bathroom where I heard the sound of running water from the shower. Last night I held you in the rain. This morning I will hold you in the shower.