Monday, February 23, 2009

Sloughing the Jigglies: Action plan #1

For breakfast, NO RICE.
For lunch, pig-out.
For dinner, yoghurt.

Yeah, sorry, I can't get rid of the pig-out thingie. I told myself that even if I went on a diet, I will have to binge on at least one meal for the day, and lunch seems like the best time to do that.

You think this'll work?


Anonymous said...

that worked for me.


Just the affirmation I needed!


Laurice said...

hi,unfortunately for me it didn't.
hehhe, well maybe because i was not really on my best discipline...hehhe:)


But you're so slim!

Anonymous said...

it sounds simple, but it also takes discipline. especially if you're a binge eater at night. like me.


The one-rice-per-day thing is the toughest to adhere to. And, yeah, the yogurt. I got sick of eating it after a week! The good thing, though, about starting on a diet, is that even if you don't get to abide by it to a T, you begun to eat smaller and smaller servings as you go along. Until, you know, you eventually lose weight. =)

And, yeah, binge-eating once in a day is good. I mean, what harm will one big meal do?