Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to hurry

un-finish the to-dos so you can grab a wink before the day is done because another one waits in the outskirts of your week but take care not to spill the coffee even if you'd rather have tea but oh oh the tea place is too far and you barely have half an hour to check what needs oiling or fixing or combing yes button up those discs and grab the nearest pair of sleeves shove yourself into those nudes that go along with everything check yourself can you blend into the nearest wall when things get worse than 7 o'clock run run slam the windows shut run is there ever time to pause or pause to look but oh the plug goes un-pulled forgotten until the first stop your life goes past your nose past the last lie the present blurs but your mind is on the lack of light while you smudge your left cheek with pink tint did you put the right shade on the jerk was too sudden good the puppy flees unharmed there's always tissue on hand to wipe the stray brush strokes away relief can't be too far ahead but the clock is never on your side so wring your sweaty hands you think you could wing it everytime and everytime is never anywhere except when you don't need it oh why why don't you ever learn remind yourself to stop making lists of shoulds and musts they never get done anyway--

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