Thursday, April 12, 2012

What kind of lazy

The kind of lazy that won't get out of bed.
The kind of lazy that won't lift a finger.
The kind of lazy that lets the dust settle on the floor (or lays out plans of sweeping them under the rug, later).
The kind of lazy that stares at a wall.
The kind of lazy that draws blanks.
The kind of lazy that won't budge from its seat to walk toward the bed (because the bed is in the other room), no matter how sleepy.
The kind of lazy that's too lazy to open its mouth when a yawn comes along.
The kind of lazy that watches (without budging) a cockroach cross the room.
The kind of lazy that will watch you walk away with its favorite shirt.
The kind of lazy that leaves things (all sorts) unfinished.
The kind of lazy that falls asleep with its coat on.
The kind of lazy that will watch you walk away.

That kind of lazy.

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