Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back in the Habit

No, this isn't about Whoopi Goldberg or Sister Act, sorry.

This entry is about me. Like most of what's in this blog, duh-uh.


This pep squad thing has done more wonders for me than I thought it would. For one thing, it has brought back my running (as in the sport) days. I woke up really early this morning and, voila, my first thought was: I have gotta run today.

And run, I did.

All the stretching and warm-up and dancing we've been doing this past week have taken their toll on my muscles and bones--I'm now hankering for exercise.

Truth is, the first practice session was kind of a horrific thing for me. I was confident when I said yes to the organizers, trusting that my experience as a cheerleader in High School and my having run a 5-kilometer marathon in College would mean it'd be a piece of cake for me.

Oh, but I was mistaken.

My moves started out really rusty and my entire body screamed "pain!" for a whole week.

It still does, by the way, though it's more tolerable now. The reaction was just further proof of how badly out of shape I was.

Or that my age is starting to show.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'd be able to keep this exercise thing going on.

For now, that is.

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