Monday, March 23, 2009


In the office, today, I found myself buried in paper.

For a good part of the day, I sat in front of my desk, sorting loads and loads of documents, patiently weeding out the obsolete, "for-shredding" ones and trying my hardest to stack them in a neat pile, but which ended up still collapsing in an untidy heap, anyway, because I didn't have the sense to realize that once the pile got too high, it'd surely topple. I ended up squatting on the floor (and to think that I'd chosen this day, of all days, to wear skinny jeans) and put the damn things back in order.

I muttered a lot while I was at it, but in reality, I was thankful for the exercise, as it kept my mind from drifting to anxiety-land.

I looked through folders, peeped into envelopes, removed paper clips (for re-use), skimmed through pages to make sure I didn't dispose of the ones I still needed. My trusty cup of coffee, of course, sat faithfully on my desk, keeping me company, assuring me that things were alright.

And what do you know, I actually managed to cook up a semblance of order, finishing off with a clean desk, a less cluttered (I was going to type "uncluttered" but changed my mind--I can never be "uncluttered") lateral and a pedestal that I could actually put things in and not lose them after three minutes.

At the end of the day, I handed the heavy pile of unwanted documents to the cleaners, hoping that they'd end up being recycled. The documents, not the cleaners, that is.


Pinangat said...

This is very amusing! I enjoyed reading this...I remembered our room at Sunrise. ;-)


Hahaha Fens I was the most disorganized...


Anonymous said...

i have been diagnosed by behavioral exams as OC. but i'm not perfectly clutter-free. makes sense? i'm just very detail-oriented, thus the obsession-compulsion, but that also made me want to keep absolutely everything. and they end up in piles.


Hmm.. yeah, it does make sense. It IS hard to let go of stuff, paper and everything else. Much like clothes--I like going over them, with a resolution to get rid of the ones I haven't used in a long while and which I know I won't be wearing anymore, but I always end up holding on to them for some reason or another...
