Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thoughts on Women's Month

I've dipped my fingers--no, make that hands--in quite a number of debates, and most of these were arguments with male friends, verbal romps ranging from the mundane to the lofty, from flippant topics to weighty ones. There is something strangely satisfying in seeing the look on a man's face when he senses defeat creeping along with the words being thrown at him by a woman who's determined to avoid losing, at all costs. And it wasn't the woman who started the match, in the first place.

...or was it?

The thing with today's female is that she is angry, and rightly so. I don't want to indulge in prattling (as men would call it) about society's having favored the son over the daughter for centuries and centuries, but I will, anyway, because woman has held her voice in hushed tones for far too long and has lately refused to be silent.

It's written all over history and literature, that man has worn the iron glove for far too long. But woman will no longer have any of that. Out with the washing and the fingers burnt from cooking day in, and day out. Now, you see her out there, in her clicking heels, smart skirt and crisp, tailored blouse (with ruffles, too), ruling the corporate world alongside men; in her tiny, short shorts, braving the heat and the dust and overtaking the smug, muscled runner (who's male, of course) in last Saturday's 10k.

It doesn't matter what she is, or what she wants to become: truth is, woman is gaining on, and even outdoing, her male counterparts in fields which which used to be ruled by men. Goodness, she can now grasp the world in her hands if she wanted!

No more speaking in whispers and bowing heads in silence. Woman has, in all her emancipated glory, finally come out and the men better watch what they say or else they're really gonna get it.

May you realize your true worth this Women's month, and ever after.

Hurrah to girl power!


Pinangat said...

Bravo! So well-said and well-written.

Women of the world, UNITE!


Hmm... a comment that could only have been written by an emancipated woman...
