Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Very Bad Habits:

1. wearing heels five days a week;
2. buying heeled shoes when I already have one too many;
3. playing Mafia Wars, Sorority Life, Farm Town, YoVille, and Barn Buddy on Facebook instead of sleeping (got dark circles around my eyes to show for it);
4. dwelling on a problem for too long (a peer once said, "anything that you let last for more than 5 minutes is self-inflicted");
5. drinking coffee in lieu of having a decent meal;
6. preferring Starbucks coffees over any other kind of coffee (bad to the wallet, tsk, tsk);
7. not saying "no" to what my darling kiddos want (bad, I know, but surely moms out there would understand);
8. grabbing a bag of chips every so often;
9. preening in public;
10. arguing for the sake of winning (especially when it's the male vs. female kind of debate hahahaha).

I'm spending too much time on Facebook. LOL.

What are your bad habits?


cat with the fiddle said...

guilt-tripping, hands down.


I can relate to this one. =)