Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Peer AJ was singing "Puff The Magic Dragon" the wrong way and I corrected him. I said,"it's "lived by the sea" not "living by the sea"". He, ever so stubborn, insisted it was "living" and not "lived".

My dad taught this song to me when I was a kid and I knew it well enough to stand my ground.

"Wanna bet on it?" I had my right eyebrow raised. A hundred, let's get it on. He pretty much just shrugged, looking up the lyrics on the net, then turning to me with a huge grin on his face and saying, with that annoyingly smug tone of his, "I am never wrong. Peter, Paul and Mary wrote the song wrong."


Still, I won.


Pinangat said...

true-blue daughter of a sixty-niner! haha.

cat with the fiddle said...

"living" by the sea? it has one too many syllables to fit into the beat.