Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cuckoo Over Farm Town

I have, officially, become a Face Book Farm Town addict. I never would have guessed, as I've never been a gamer my entire life. This age of virtual gaming was unheard of when I was a kid. Back then, my brother and I played real--though this term would vary in meaning, depending on which generation you belong to--games under the sun, with other kids our age, or close to our age. Even with the advent of the family computer, the PSP, the DS, and other what-have-yous, I have managed to steer clear of the gaming bug.

Until now. Or, last Monday, to be exact.

Now, I am on level 11 of Farm Town, which makes me a farmer, teehee. Make that "Tamsen The Farmer"--yes, I do get to name myself "Tamsen," which happens to be my second favorite name (next to my name, of course). I plow the fields on my green grass-bordered, apple-tree-and-orange-tree-and-lemon-tree-lined farm, go to the store to buy various seeds, plant them on the plowed grounds and voila, after some time, I get to harvest grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, lemons, apples, and oranges. I am still waiting--very impatiently, if I may add--for the coffee, wheat, sunflowers, and rice to be ready for harvest. A bountiful reaping would mean lots of coins to be had after a trip to the market to sell the crops. Then it's back to square one, only this time, you have more moolah, more sophisticated, expensive seeds sown and a promise of an even more bountiful harvest which translates, of course, to an even richer, ever growing coffer.

Ah, such a sweet life it is. My Lola would have been proud of me. Mama, this one's for you.

Alors, gotta visit my farm, folks. Hope we can be neighbors, soon. Click here to read on how Farm Town has overtaken Pet Society on Face Book. =)

A great weekend to y'all!

P.S. My daughter is envious and itching to try it. I promised her we would farm tomorrow. =)


Adri said...

Haha. Something finally got you!



I know, Tin! Would you believe I'm already on level 17?! All in just a week's time!

I am so addicted!