Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mercury Retrogrades... Again

It being a stormy day and all, life in the office was all sunshine-y today. In some random way, things seemed to be falling into place--I, the people around me, the things around me. Some sort of realignment was taking place and I was happy to find myself in harmony with the rest of the planets--er, world, I mean.

And then I came across this site, from which I read that today, May 7th, Mercury retrogrades for the second time this year. I knew, of course, that this meant heavy rains of the usual system breakdowns falling on us all for the rest of the month (Mercury "turns direct" May 30th) but was puzzled by this particular part of the write-up, which made me look back at, and reassess, how my day really went:

"When Mercury retrogrades, we find that many parts of our life are being revised. Often these revisions can be a surprise or throw us back a step. However, these revisions which occur during a Mercury retrograde, are a "course correction" and provide a stop gap measure until we can review situations. During this time of revision, change is compounded and confusion is created by our reactions to the ever-changing situations. Thus anything started during this time will ultimately be taken back or even revised further, making for a high-frustration time. This will be especially true with changing our minds, reviewing new ideas and our communication being improved and honed so not to be misunderstood.

The best mode to be in during a Mercury retrograde is one of "non-reaction", and with air signs being impacted, things will be changing continually during a Mercury retrograde. Treat the time period as a time of gathering information, yet because the information will be in constant change it would be like trying to comb your hair in a wind storm. Best to wait until the changes stop before attempting to make things orderly. Therefore, just let the winds of situations blow around you without reacting. Once Mercury turns direct, take a look at the information that is still around at that time and go about putting everything in order, while maintaining the fine art of flexibility."

Call me superstitious. Because I am.


Pinangat said...

Oh, my! I think I can use this as a guide right now.

This makes sense.

Thanks, Shan!

Adri said...

so it's the whole month? sheeeeshhh...

note to self: revisions are good! revisions are good! revisions are good!

I shall sit still and absorb information :P


Makes a lot of sense, right?

I especially love:

"...because the information will be in constant change it would be like trying to comb your hair in a wind storm. Best to wait until the changes stop before attempting to make things orderly. Therefore, just let the winds of situations blow around you without reacting. Once Mercury turns direct, take a look at the information that is still around at that time and go about putting everything in order, while maintaining the fine art of flexibility."