Saturday, December 19, 2015


"But now, love, we are here, we are now, and those other times are running elsewhere."
        - A. S. Byatt, Possession

I have told you about this; painted this picture for you, as best as my frail, limited language can, as ardently as my feeble heart can. I have told you about how, in a dream, you were surrounded by beautiful blue, smiling, happy. Do you remember?

I have summoned this moment, love. I have summoned you. One moonlit night, my soul called out, mouthing your name. Night after night, wrapped in starlight and song, I waited.

And in this instant, you have come, palpable and magnificent, the waves crashing behind you, golden sand stretched out before you. From where I am, your soul materializes: your childhood becomes visible, shining through your eyes; your fears raw; and your joy, unabashed. In this moment, you are my entire universe.

I can see you, love. I do. Now walk with me down that tree-lined path. Walk me home.


FEDS said...

When I emerged from the depths the sight of your beauty drowned the pounding seas that were behind me. The sands stretched out in front of me like Red carpet that was put there deliberately to lead me straight to you. Which ever way I walked it led me straight to you. And there I was, beside you at last my love. I take your hand, now let us walk. Ah, now I remember the dream that you speak of. I was surrounded by beautiful blue, smiling, happy. It was my memory of you.

Apollo said...

Apollo said...