Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I look for you in the rustling restlessness of moments.

I long for the peace of your presence--if these quickenings be peace, if these flutterings be peace.

Slivers of silver course through my being at your nearness. I am alive, love, alive because. I feel the brush of the air, hear the faintest beating, see the glimmer in things.

I gush into fountains. Be kind and let me flow.

I have let go.

The trembling, pulsating heart insists: there is sense in this.

Breathless and a little lost, I run, wild, in haze and mist.

Anchor me.


FEDS said...

It is nothing for me to sit here and die. It is nothing for me to sit here and see nothing yet my eyes are wide open. It is nothing for me to sit here and feel nothing even if the warmth of the summer breeze blows gently across my body. It is nothing for me to sit here and feel nothing. But I remember that day when my eyes first saw you. My heart jumped as if being revived and I felt a warmth equal to the summer breeze as you smiled at me. Yet I nearly died at the sight of your beauty. Who is this that could revive a soul anchored by sadness.


Melancholic and beautiful.