Monday, December 14, 2015

What sadness is this, what woe? I can hear the waves crashing to shore, only the sound is receding, only the blue, dimming.

What ails the ailing heart, ailing in spite of what it knows, ailing because it knows? It knows, my love, it knows.

I write your name on the sand and realize the sea will take back what it bestows, bequeathing only memory.

The sea is constant. It giveth, taketh. All the while, it remains, its magnitude, engulfing.

The heart shudders in this knowledge. For what can love give that cannot be taken away?

Still, the heart remains. Like the sea, it is steadfast--being, despite the tide, beating, despite the fear. Whispering your name, chanting I am, you are, we are.

1 comment:

FEDS said...

I did not write your name in the sand as I feared it would be taken away forever. So I allowed the sweetness of your voice to carve your name on my heart. As long as my heart has life it will always have your memory