Thursday, December 25, 2008

I refuse to let this day pass without wishing the world a merry Christmas.

For 8 days now, I have been silently (at times, loudly) berating myself for being stupid enough to forget my cam and phone cables. I've taken loads and loads of pictures, each set with a corresponding blog entry in mind. And then I'd be cursing (myself) under my breath each time I log in and realize, oh yeah, I. can't. upload. the. pictures.

Anyway. I will upload them. I will, I will, I will, soon, soon, soon.

But that is obviously something that will not take the "merry" away from my Christmas. Each holiday season I spend with my family will always be a gift that I'll be opening everyday for the rest of the year, the memories enough to see me through til the next one. Thank God for Family, thank God for the love they bring.

I will leave Naga with a suitcase full of happiness.

I'll be unpacking everyday and know that I won't run out of something to keep me strong, reasons to look forward to tomorrow and the next day, and so on.

I pray that your holidays be filled with love and smiles.

From this little corner of the earth, merry Christmas to the rest of the world.

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