Sunday, April 12, 2009

Summer Whining From the Sun-Hater


Oh, yes, folks, time to welcome the sweltering heat again.

It's that time of the year when electric bills skyrocket to alarming heights because of A/C and electric fan abuse (Christmas is another thing, what with the lights and all, but I think most of us have come to our senses and realized that decking our homes in ridiculously numerous colored lights is just not worth it); when the A/Cs and fans themselves conk out from over-use; when wet bodies frolic in the beach and under the sun, tanning and burning in reckless abandon, mindless of the premature aging the precious skin is put under; when tempers flare with the hot, dry winds (are there any winds, by the way?).

Poof, I was never really a summer person, never one to get all giddy to go to the beach and laugh and grin and toast like there's no tomorrow. The most I'd do there--if some really persistent friend would ever succeed in convincing me to go, in the first place--is to lather up on tons and tons of sunscreen, put on a nice pair of shades, find a really shady corner under some really leafy coconut tree (a bunch of coconut trees would be best--the more shade there is, the better), stack up on two good books, or three, sit on a thick, dark blue towel and curl my toes in the sand. Worse, I'd probably fall asleep, willing myself to wake up only when it's 6 pm, when the scorching heat would already have simmered a bit.

For all that I am a Pisces, I'm really a goldfish in a fishbowl, happy to swim in my own little space, where the waters are tranquil, and where I am safe.

And where there's no premature skin aging happening.

Party-pooper, you might say. And missing a lot, or something to that effect.



wowoo said...

i like this post...i am a summer person myself and has this hunger for travel.

i quote this " in the first place--is to lather up on tons and tons of sunscreen, put on a nice pair of shades, find a really shady corner under some really leafy coconut tree (a bunch of coconut trees would be best--the more shade there is, the better), stack up on two good books, or three, sit on a thick, dark blue towel and curl my toes in the sand. Worse, I'd probably fall asleep, willing myself to wake up only when it's 6 pm, when the scorching heat would already have simmered a bit."

this means you really want to be in the beach. the way you describe the perfect spot for you and the things you want to bring with you is a sign of begging to be in that place. falling asleep under the tree/s, while lying down in the sand with a good book on hand, toes curled under the sand means you are in a blissful moment that your body is dying to relax! :D

i think i made a point here.

so pack your stuff!
lets go!!!!! :D




Made me think, though.



cat with the fiddle said...

i'm not a summer person either. but in our hometown, our back door opens straight to the shore.

it's not so much the things we can do in the water, i mean, i love water A LOT, and am not afraid to jump off a boat in the middle of the sea. but when we get back to shore and just stay put in the house, i can't rub off the sticky even if i shower plenty. and to think our tap is cold spring water. it's the salt wind, i tell you. and the extreme heat.


A backdoor opening straight to the shore would be something completely different. Now, that, I'd take, and gladly. =)

Yeah, it's really the heat, heat, heat! Otherwise, yes, I think the beach would be a cool place to be.

You people make me think!